Custom Curses - v0.1.18


Beautiful Cursors


A simple Library to add custom cursors to your Webpage in Javascript. It utilizes the HTMLCanvasElement .



import { Cursor, Pointer, initializeCanvas } from "custom-curses";
const pointer1 = new Pointer({
pointerShape: ["string", "👆"],
size: 50,
drag: 0.1,
xCharOffset: 18,
yCharOffset: 85,
rotation: -40,
xOffset: 0,
yOffset: 0,

const pointer2 = new Pointer({
pointerShape: ["string", "༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ"],
size: 20,
drag: 0.97,
xOffset: 200,
yOffset: 100,

const cursor1 = new Cursor({
pointers: [pointer1, pointer2],
drag: 0, //where 1 is max
hideMouse: true,

let cleanup = initializeCanvas(cursor1); // this function returns a cleanup function that can be used to dispose all the cursors/pointers cleanly

Preview GIF


You only need to wrap the initializeCanvas function in a useEffect hook

More example usages in ./examples/ or


  • It accepts Emojis, and any string you can use in the canvas normally and the rotation of said characters.

  • It now accepts any images that can be used with the HTMLCanvas directly, but animated GIF images will only render the first frame of the GIF.

  • You can adjust the drag on each individual pointer and for the cursor as a whole.

  • You can adjust the X and Y offset for each pointer individually and for the cursor as a whole.

  • The library now works with React (just wrap it in a useEffect)

  • The library now works with Next (just wrap it in a useEffect, and also wrap import the page using dynamic imports, see: Issue #10)

The way it works

  • Several Pointer objects can be bound to a cursor Object. You can theoretically pass in an infinite number of Pointers to the cursor.
  • The cursor object is then drawn to the canvas. For each animation loop it waits for all canvas objects to draw and update before clearing the canvas.
  • A canvas object is instantiated and bound to the Cursor Object.
  • The canvas element is only allowed to have 1 Cursor Object, not sure why anyone would want other wise.


Using npm: npm install custom-curses

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Want to contribute? Great! Make an Issue!

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